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ruvyrias / Exports

Note: This version supports only Lavalink V4 or above.

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Ruvyrias NPM Package

Table of contents


# Using npm
npm install ruvyrias

# Using yarn
yarn add ruvyrias


To use, you need a configured Lavalink instance.

Ruvyrias is a robust Discord music bot client tailored for Lavalink V4 and above. Key features include:

  • Stability: A reliable and smooth client experience.
  • TypeScript Support: Enhanced development with TypeScript.
  • Lavalink Compatibility: 100% compatible with Lavalink version 4 and above.
  • Object-Oriented: Organized and maintainable code.
  • Customizable: Adapt the client to your bot preferences.
  • Easy Setup: Quick and hassle-free installation.
  • Queue System: Efficiently manage music playback.
  • Platform Support: Built-in compatibility with Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Music, and Deezer.

Implementation Repositories

Note: Send PR to add your repository here.

RepositoryCreatorAdditional Information
Ruvyrias ExampleDarkslayerHaosOfficial Ruvyrias Exampe Bot, easy setup and usage.
Lunoxadh319Check out the repository for futher information.

Basic Usage

// Import necessary modules.
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits, ActivityType } = require('discord.js');
const { Ruvyrias } = require('ruvyrias');

// Define Lavalink nodes configuration.
const nodes = [
name: 'main',
host: 'localhost',
port: 2333,
password: 'youshallnotpass',
secure: false,
resume: true,

// Define options for Ruvyrias client.
const RuvyriasOptions = {
library: 'discord.js',
defaultPlatform: 'ytsearch',
autoResume: true,
reconnectTries: Infinity,
reconnectTimeout: 1000 * 10,

// Initialize Discord client with necessary intents.
const client = new Client({
intents: [

// Create Ruvyrias instance and bind it to the client.
client.ruvyrias = new Ruvyrias(client, nodes, RuvyriasOptions);

// Event handler for when the bot is ready.
client.on('ready', (client) => {
console.log(`[+] Logged in as: ${client.user?.tag}`);

client.user.setActivity({ name: '!play', type: ActivityType.Listening })

// Event handler for message creation.
client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
// Ignore messages that don't start with '!' or are from bots.
if (!message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith('!') || return;

// Extract command and arguments from the message
const args = message.content.slice(1).trim().split(/ +/g);
const command = args.shift()?.toLowerCase()

if (command === 'play') {
const query = args.join(' ');

// Creating the Player.
const player = client.ruvyrias.createConnection({
guildId: message.guildId,
textChannel: message.channelId,
deaf: true,
mute: false

const resolve = await client.ruvyrias.resolve({ query, requester: });
const { loadType, tracks, playlistInfo } = resolve;

// Handle errors or empty responses.
if (loadType === 'error' || loadType === 'empty') {
return message.reply({ embeds: [{ description: `❌ An error occurred, please try again!`, color: Colors.Red }] });

// Handle playlist loading.
if (loadType === 'playlist') {
for (const track of tracks) {

if (!player.playing && !player.paused) return;
return message.reply(`🎶 [${playlistInfo?.name}](${query}) with \`${tracks.length}\` tracks added.`);
// Handle single track or search results loading.
else if (loadType === 'search' || loadType === 'track') {
const track = tracks[0];

if (!player.playing && !player.paused) return;
return`🎶 \`${}\` added to queue.`);

// Runs when a Lavalink Node is successfully connected.
client.ruvyrias.on('nodeConnect', node => {
console.log(`[+] Node ${} connected.`)

// Runs when a new track starts playing in the music player.
client.ruvyrias.on('trackStart', (player, track) => {
const channel = client.channels.cache.get(player.textChannel);

channel.send(`🎶 Now playing: \`${}\` by \`${}\`.`);

// Runs when the music playlist reaches the end and the music player leaves the voice channel.
client.ruvyrias.on('queueEnd', player => {

const channel = client.channels.cache.get(player.textChannel);
channel.send('⛔ The player queue has ended, i\'m leaving voice channal!');

// Log in the bot using the provided token.


The Ruvyrias client, customized by DarkslayerHaos, is a fork originally derived from the code of Poru developed by Parasop.